October 2-5, 2024

Lindell Beach, BC (area)

(Coaching Clients Only)

October 2-5, 2024

Lindell Beach, BC (area)

(Coaching Clients Only)


Business, Self, Impact, Family



  • I'm ready to see who I can be

  • ​I could use more fun and adventure in my life

  • I want to lower the internal pressure I put on myself

  • I want to let more abundance into my life

  • ​I want to increase the connection with the people I love

  • I want to stop holding myself back

  • I want more clarity in an area of my life

  • It's time to get more clear about who I am and what I want.

  • I'm successful at work and I want the same success at home.

  • I feel guilty when I take time away for myself...

  • I could use more fun and adventure in my life.

  • I want to lower the internal pressure I put on myself.

  • ​I want more out of my relationships.

  • I'm ready to look within myself and examine what holds me back.

  • ​I am ready to make an investment into who I am and what I want.

"When you change the way you look at things,the things you look at change."

Dr. Wayne Dyer

2021 Vancouver Retreat

(Unlock Your Inner Child )

2023 Vancouver Retreat

(Becoming Magnetic)

2021 Vancouver Retreat

(Unlock Your Inner Child )

2023 Bowen Island, BC Retreat

(Be Seen)

2021 Vancouver Retreat

(Unlock Your Inner Child )

2020 Las Vegas, NV

(What do you really want)

Your life is okay but you know deep down there’s a better version of yourself that could be showing up. Your internal pressure is higher than it should be, yet you still feel you should be doing more.

You're constantly giving and taking care of other people, but the truth is you are tired. You may be starting to feel a little frustrated and overwhelmed in certain areas of your live. 

You understand that the external solutions have only gotten you so far and you know the real solutions are within you.

You were not always like this and you know something needs to change or the years will slip away living a life that’s not fully realized. 

It's time to remember who you really are and what you are capable of. 

  • I'm ready to see who I can be

  • ​I could use more fun and adventure in my life

  • I want to lower the internal pressure I put on myself

  • I want to let more abundance into my life

  • ​I want to increase the connection with the people I love

  • I want to stop holding myself back

  • I want more clarity in an area of my life

  • It's time to get more clear about who I am and what I want.

  • I'm successful at work and I want the same success at home.

  • I feel guilty when I take time away for myself...

  • I could use more fun and adventure in my life.

  • I want to lower the internal pressure I put on myself.

  • ​I want more out of my relationships.

  • I'm ready to look within myself and examine what holds me back.

  • ​I am ready to make an investment into who I am and what I want.

"When you change the way you look at things,the things you look at change."

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Your life is okay but you know deep down there’s a better version of yourself that could be showing up. Your internal pressure is higher than it should be, yet you still feel you should be doing more.

You're constantly giving and taking care of other people, but the truth is you are tired. You may be starting to feel a little frustrated and overwhelmed in certain areas of your live. 

You understand that the external solutions have only gotten you so far and you know the real solutions are within you.

You were not always like this and you know something needs to change or the years will slip away living a life that’s not fully realized. 

It's time to remember who you really are and what you are capable of. 

Next Retreat Details:

Location: West Vancouver, BC 

When: April 28 to May 1 - 2023

  • I feel guilty when I take time away for myself...

  • I could use more fun and adventure in my life.

  • I want to lower the internal pressure I put on myself.

  • ​I want more out of my relationships.

  • I'm ready to look within myself and examine what holds me back.

  • ​It's time to get more clear about who I am and what I want.

  • ​I'm successful at work and I want the same success at home.

"When you change the way you look at things,the things you look at change."

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Your life is okay but you know deep down there’s a better version of yourself that could be showing up. Your internal pressure is higher than it should be, yet you still feel you should be doing more.

You're constantly giving and taking care of other people, but the truth is you are tired. You may be starting to feel a little frustrated and overwhelmed in certain areas of your live. 

You understand that the external solutions have only gotten you so far and you know the real solutions are within you.

You were not always like this and you know something needs to change or the years will slip away living a life that’s not fully realized. 

It's time to remember who the “F” you are.

From the moment we started to crawl, we have been told what to do and how to do it.

Schools tell us what to learn, parents tell you who to marry and what job to take, religion tells you what you can and can’t do to make God happy and countries teach you what’s a socially acceptable way to live. 

All this came with good intention to keep you safe and help you fit in, but I wonder, did anyone ask what YOU wanted?

This shouldn't be a hard question to answer but for many, it's like speaking a foreign language.

This is why people feel they can't show who they really are. 

This is why people chase someone else's goals and in turn get a life that does not fit perfectly.

It's time to test your goals, your beliefs and what you have been told. It's time to live a life fully authentic to you. Even small authentic changes can have profound effects on your energy, internal pressure and how much fulfilment you experience in life. 

You know what you want, you just have to look within.

From the moment we started to crawl, we have been told what to do and how to do it.

Schools tell us what to learn, parents tell you who to marry and what job to take, religion tells you what you can and can’t do to make God happy and countries teach you what’s a socially acceptable way to live. 

All this came with good intention to keep you safe and help you fit in, but I wonder, did anyone ask what YOU wanted?

This shouldn't be a hard question to answer but for many, it's like speaking a foreign language.

This is why people feel they can't show who they really are. 

This is why people chase someone else's goals and in turn get a life that does not fit perfectly.

It's time to test your goals, your beliefs and what you have been told. It's time to live a life fully authentic to you. Even small authentic changes can have profound effects on your energy, internal pressure and how much fulfilment you experience in life. 

You know what you want, you just have to look within.

"You have these breakthrough moments."

The first day is all about connecting. You will land and connect with everyone at the retreat. We will get out into nature so you can get grounded mentally, emotionally and physically.

The next day starts with an amazing experience. We'll take you on an adventure to help you begin the journey of opening up. You'll experience an incredible day that will be a memory that lasts forever.

On your third day, we dive deep. You'll participate in activities that will take you on a personal growth journey. In the evening, we have a special ceremony to close out the day.

The last day of the retreat is time for reflection. We take everything you've experienced and prepare you to take it with you when you get back to your day-to-day life.

"Mini-Documentary"Hear the stories from the last 10 retreats 

"Nothing even comes close to the impact this had on my life"

"You have these breakthrough moments."

Watch This Mini-Documentary ProducedFrom Our Last 9 Retreats

Ben didn’t have an easy start in life. He lived on the streets at the age of 14, survived a failed suicide attempt at age 15, and later spent 365 days in rehab.

From there, Ben built a real estate investment company that held 61 properties with investors in 4 different cities. He became a realtor and built a team and made over a million dollars in paid-out commissions within 2 years.

Ben loves business but his real obsession is helping people break free of the old patterns that hold them back in life. The inner game is everything to him and is on a mission to find his tribe; business owners who want to build a life they love paid for with an awesome business.

Today, Ben is actively building a life he loves in Vancouver, BC with his wife of 19 years and their 5 kids.

"Why live an ordinary life whenyou can live an extraordinary one?"

Anthony Robbins

"Until you make the unconscious conscious,it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

Carl Jung

The first day is all about connecting. You will land and connect with everyone at the retreat. We will get out into nature so you can get grounded mentally, emotionally and physically.

The next day starts with an amazing experience. We'll take you on an adventure to help you begin the journey of opening up. You'll experience an incredible day that will be a memory that lasts forever.

On your third day, we dive deep. You'll participate in activities that will take you on a personal growth journey. In the evening, we have a special ceremony to close out the day.

The last day of the retreat is time for reflection. We take everything you've experienced and prepare you to take it with you when you get back to your day-to-day life.

"Nothing even comes close to the impact this had on my life"

Ben didn’t have an easy start in life. He lived on the streets at the age of 14, survived a failed suicide attempt at age 15, and later spent 365 days in rehab.

From there, Ben built a real estate investment company that held 61 properties with investors in 4 different cities. He became a realtor and built a team and made over a million dollars in paid-out commissions within 2 years.

Now, he focuses on helping business owners who have strong family values put in long game systems so they can get control of the business, get reconnected with themselves and their families.

Ben loves business but his real obsession is helping people break free of the old patterns that hold them back in life. The inner game is everything to him and is on a mission to find his tribe; business owners who want to build a life they love paid for with an awesome business.

Today, Ben is actively building a life he loves in Vancouver, BC with his wife of 19 years and their 5 kids.

"Why live an ordinary life when you can live an extraordinary one?"

Anthony Robbins

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

Carl Jung